Showing 1 - 25 of 67 Results
The miscellaneous works in prose and verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt.: now first collected by Overbury, Thomas, Rimbault,... ISBN: 9781116691627 List Price: $32.75
The miscellaneous works in prose and verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt.: now first collected by Overbury, Thomas, Rimbault,... ISBN: 9781116691610 List Price: $33.75
The miscellaneous works in prose and verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt.: now first collected by Overbury, Thomas, Rimbault,... ISBN: 9781116691603 List Price: $33.99
Characters:jacobean Miscellany by Overbury, Thomas, Beecher, ... ISBN: 9781895537567 List Price: $20.00
A Book of Characters, Selected from the Writings of Overbury, Earle, and Butler by Overbury, Thomas, Earle, John ISBN: 9781144240149 List Price: $31.75
The Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt. by Overbury, Thomas ISBN: 9781151742971 List Price: $20.45
Characters A Jacobean Miscellany by Overbury, Thomas, Beecher, ... ISBN: 9781895537659 List Price: $44.00
The "Conceited Newes" of Sir Thomas Overbury and His Friends by James E. Savage, Sir Thomas... ISBN: 9780820110394 List Price: $60.00
Prolusions; Or, Select Pieces of Antient Poetry,--Compil'D with Great Care from Their Severa... by Capell, Edward, Dorset, Tho... ISBN: 9781141113378 List Price: $27.75
A Book of Characters, Selected From the Writings of Overbury, Earle, and Butler by Overbury, Thomas ISBN: 9781150103483 List Price: $24.86
The miscellaneous works in prose and verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt.: now first collected by Overbury, Thomas, Rimbault,... ISBN: 9781116691597 List Price: $38.99
The Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, Knt., Now First Collected by Overbury, Thomas, Rimbault,... ISBN: 9781147714500 List Price: $33.75
A select second husband for Sir Thomas Ouerburie's wife, now a matchlesse widow (1616) by Overbury, Thomas ISBN: 9781240171859 List Price: $19.75
Overburian Characters, to Which Is Added, a Wife by Overbury, Thomas, Paylor, W... ISBN: 9780404145804 List Price: $32.50
Overburian Characters, to Which Is Added, a Wife by Overbury, Thomas, Paylor, W... ISBN: 9780686771654 List Price: $15.75
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